Sunday, June 4, 2017

Advance Directives, and Suing for "Wrongful Life"

When it comes to their last moments, some medical patients would prefer to die gently without having their chest opened, their heart shocked, or their breathing taken over by a pump, especially if their chances of a meaningful recovery are low. To that end, many patients sign advance directives that are intended to provide a clear statement of their wishes. Hospitals often encourage patients to sign an advance directive because it can provide guidance to the medical team when (or if) patients can no longer speak for themselves.

But what happens when the medical team doesn't honor a patient's advance directive? This is not as far-fetched as it might seem. Physicians are trained to save lives, and it's difficult for them to watch a patient die when they know that a procedure might keep the patient alive, if even only for a while. If a patient is kept alive by medical measures specifically not wanted as documented by their advance directive, should damages be awarded for "wrongful life"? It all boils down to whether an advance directive should be viewed as only advisory, or whether it should be considered similar to a legal document.

This is a legal grey zone that is now being tested by several "wrongful-life" lawsuits. Traditionally, courts have been reluctant to punish doctors who aggressively work to save their patients. But recent court decisions suggest that the tide may be turning to favor the patient, according to an article in The New York Times. Time will tell.

Do you have an advance directive? You'll probably be asked that question the next time you visit an emergency room or are admitted to a hospital. The question is; even if you do, will it be honored?

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